No, not us, just some things in our house. I found a really cute little table that fits perfectly next to our front door. Right now we have a little shelf that sits across from the front door, it is cute but it doesn't really serve a purpose. So the shelf moved downstairs next to the washing machine to hold rags, laundry soap, bleach, etc... I also moved our mail/key holder that hung in the kitchen. It now hangs next to the front door. It makes so much more sense to have it there. I always found myself about to walk out the door without my keys and I would have to walk back to the kitchen to get them. Before...
After... I would like to find some little pictures to hang above the lamp. I know that corner looks really bare now, but I eventually want to get a little bench and put some hooks on the wall. Right now we don't have a landing area for purses or jackets so I think that would work out perfect.
This is what my basement laundry room looked like. Awful, I know...
And now... Ahhhh... Don't be too impressed, all the crap you saw in the first picture was just moved somewhere else for future organizing. I was originally just going to put my detergent on top of the shelf. But, as I was folding the rags and "junky" towels to put on the shelves I realized, "Holy crap! I have a folding surface now!" So I put the detergent and bleach and such on the top shelf and rags on the bottom shelf. Perfect!

I did all of this while breaking in my new Toms! Two Birds, one stone... And yes I'm using Roscoe as foot rest. He didn't seem to mind.